
  Location - Application - Cases - Domestic sludge

1. Process flow and parameters

Adopting the low-temperature dehydration and drying sludge room solution, the screw pump transports the settled sludge with a water content of more than 98% to the continuous dehydration unit, and the sludge dewatered to 78% -83% falls into the low-temperature belt dryer by its own weight. After the molding, the cloth is distributed on the mesh belt of the sludge conveyor. The humid and hot gas generated by the evaporation is circulated into the heat pump for dehumidification and dehydration. At the same time, the heat is recovered and the recirculated gas is reheated. , Drying temperature 40 ℃ -80 ℃. The generated dehumidification condensate can be discharged directly.

2. Second, the main technical indicators

After drying, the moisture content of the sludge can be adjusted according to the requirements of 10% -50%, and the energy consumption of drying is lower than 250kWh / t water. The sludge moisture content of the project was reduced from 82.5% to 15%, volume reduction was 67%, and volume reduction was 79.4%;

3. Technical advantages

Adopt a high-efficiency heat recovery heat pump to fully recover the hot and humid air generated by drying, saving 30% -60% energy than ordinary heat pumps, low temperature drying, less pyrolysis of non-condensable gas pyrolysis, the whole drying process is closed, no secondary pollution . Condensate level A standard, discharged from the outlet of the sewage plant.

4. Practical application cases

Case Industry: Municipal SludgeOwner unit: Domestic sludge drying project in a countyProject location: HebeiProject scale: 6-8t / dayEquipment parameters: heat pump sludge low temperature belt dryer desiccant 4.8t / day, power 52kW

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