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Principle of low temperature sludge drying
Jingchuang environmentally-friendly independently developed sludge low-temperature drying equipment is based on the principle of low-temperature evaporation, condensation, and dehumidification of heat pumps. It uses hot air convection drying to perform low-temperature evaporation and dehydration of wet sludge on the mesh belt, and circulates condensed humid air to make The sludge is dried.

Heat pump principle 
Use energy technology heat pump system to cool and dehumidify the humid air from the drying room, and recover the latent heat of moisture condensation to heat the dry air again. It is a combination of dehumidification (dehumidification drying) and heat pump (energy recovery), which is the energy in the drying process Recycling.


The sludge low-temperature drying equipment developed by Jingchuang Innovation can directly dry sewage or sludge with a moisture content of 83% to 10% -30% dry sludge with a water content reduction of up to 90%.
90%, low energy consumption, no pollution, widely used in municipal sludge and industrial sludge (printing and dyeing, papermaking, electroplating, chemical, leather, pharmaceutical, etc.)
In the future, it can be disposed of harmless resources such as gasification, blending, composting or building materials.

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