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Low Temperature Sludge Dryer

Low Temperature Sludge Dryer

Heat pump heat recovery system, 100% full heat utilization; It can reach a moisture content of less than 10% and a reduction of more than 80%; Ultra-low operating cost per ton of 180-degree electricity; 50 degrees low temperature operation, safer; 0 emissions, no odorous emissions, condensate can be discharged straight, more hygienic without flying dust;
Sludge Dewatering Machine

Sludge Dewatering Machine

Filter drum with integrated structure can make the pre-coating evenly distributed and easy to clean; With anti-cleaning function to ensure that the equipment is cleaned from the inside to the outside; Continuous automatic operation, low labor intensity; The speed of the filter drum is controlled by frequency conversion to obtain filter cakes with different humidity requirements; The equipment has a compact structure, a small footprint, simple operation, stable and reliable work;
Sludge Transportation And Storage System

Sludge Transportation And Storage System

Closed conveying, no leakage, no emissions; Custom specifications, flexible process matching; Automatic operation;
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