
  Location - Product - Low Temperature Sludge Dryer


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Heat pump  belt sludge dryer

Heat pump belt sludge dryer


Heat pump heat recovery system, 100% total heat utilization

Moisture content below 10%, reduction over 80%

Ultra-low operating cost per ton of 180-degree electricity

50 degrees low temperature operation, safer

0 emissions, no odorous emissions, condensate can be discharged straight, more hygienic without dust

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Waste heat sludge dryer

Waste heat sludge dryer


Waste heat utilization, heat recovery and utilization, energy saving 30%

Moisture content below 10%, reduction over 80%

Ultra-low operating cost per ton of mud at 50 kWh

50 degrees low temperature operation, safer

0 emissions, no odorous emissions, condensate can be discharged straight, more hygienic without dust

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Container sludge dryer

Container sludge dryer


Heat pump heat recovery system, 100% total heat utilization

Moisture content below 10%, reduction over 80%

Ultra-low operating cost of 200 kWh per ton of mud

50 degrees low temperature operation, safer

0 emissions, no odorous emissions, condensate can be discharged straight, more hygienic without dust

Easy to move and operate

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Dewatering sludge dryer

Dewatering sludge dryer


Heat pump heat recovery system, 100% total heat utilization

Moisture content below 10%, reduction over 80%

Ultra-low operating cost per ton of 180-degree electricity

50 degrees low temperature operation, safer

0 emissions, no odorous emissions, condensate can be discharged straight, more hygienic without dust

Concentrated dehydration and drying design, simpler process

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