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Low temperature drying process below 80 ° C, fully suitable for sludge drying in municipal, printing and dyeing, papermaking, petrochemical and other industries.The system is safe to operate without hidden dangers of explosion and does not require nitrogen flushing operation.During the drying process, the oxygen content is <12%, the dust concentration is <60g / m3, and the particle temperature is <60 ° C.Sludge is laid statically without mechanical static friction.No "sticky phase" stage in the drying process (60% to 40%).The sludge dry material is granular, and there is no dust danger.The discharge temperature is low (<50 ° C), no cooling is required, and it can be stored directly.



Adopting anti-corrosive materials, multiple anti-corrosion treatment processes and special anti-corrosive materials, long service life.
No mechanical wear during operation, with a service life of more than 15 years.
Less fragile and less consumable parts, easy to use and manage.

Environmental Protection

Environmental Protection

Fully enclosed drying mode, no odor overflow, no need to install complicated deodorizing device.Using low temperature drying process, the precipitation of 2S. NH3 is greatly reduced.Low-temperature thermal sterilization: Pasteur (pasteurization) sterilization method, temperature above 70 ° C for 90min-120min, can sterilize more than 90%.Suitable for urban sewage treatment plant ~ plant "internal and centralized disposal.The condensed water (sludge water) is easy to dispose (or discharged directly), which saves the cost of condensed water treatment during the drying process.

Energy Conservation

Energy Conservation

Adopting heat pump and full heat recovery technology for belt drying, the equipment has stable working conditions and high energy efficiency.
Fully-isolated closed drying mode without any waste heat emission, 100% heat utilization.
Dry 80% ton of wet sludge to 10%, comprehensive power consumption 180kwh.
Dry 80% ton wet sludge to 40%, comprehensive power consumption 160kwh.
Dry 80% of wet sludge to 60%, and the comprehensive power consumption is 120kwh.
Each kilowatt-hour can evaporate more than 4.0 kg of water (dehumidifying performance ratio 1: 4.0 kg.H2O / kwh).
The residual heat is small, and the cooling circulating water can be air-cooled and closed water-cooled to save water.



Achieve the goal of fully automatic operation, saving a lot of labor costs.
PLC + touch screen intelligent control, can realize remote centralized control.
Intelligent I0 import and export, automatic control to adjust the state, time and flow of mud in and out.
Automatic frequency conversion adjustment, the moisture content of the discharge can be adjusted (10% 6-50%).
On-line and remote fault diagnosis, real-time monitoring of equipment operation status.



Superior performance, break through the technical bottleneck of heat pump drying in high temperature area, solve the problem of working conditions of air source heat pump dryer (frost and poor high temperature performance).
The comprehensive dehumidification performance ratio (SMER) of the intermediate heat transfer dehumidification and temperature gradient utilization technology using the patented multi-effect dehumidification technology is more than 4kg.H2O / kw.h.
Solve the technical problems of poor dehumidification performance of traditional dehumidification equipment under high temperature conditions, and break through the bottlenecks of traditional dehumidification and ordinary heat pump dehumidification technology.
Depending on the moisture content of the mud cake, different molding technologies can be used to reduce the drying time of the mud cake and provide comprehensive energy efficiency of the drying system.

High Efficiency

High Efficiency

80% moisture content sludge is completely dried without the need for stage treatment (such as: deep pressure filtration + thermal drying, semi-drying + belt drying, etc.)
Less organic content loss during drying, high heat value of dry material, suitable for later resource utilization.
Weight reduction rate of 80% and volume reduction rate of 70%, saving a lot of transportation costs.
Suitable for 809% -50% sludge drying.



Reasonable structural design and small footprint, with an average area of about 4m per ton of mud.
Can be placed on top of each other, which can cover 2m per ton of mud.
No complicated civil structure and infrastructure required, saving civil costs.
Simple equipment installation, short installation and commissioning cycle.
Can be installed in the basement, saving land area.

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